Saturday, August 4, 2012

Belly dance moves step by step

Information about of Belly dance moves step by step. Basic Hip Movements

Hip Circle- Circular isolation of the hips. Pelvis does not tilt. Hips make a circle around the outside perimeter of the feet. A horizontal move.

Hip Bumps- Side to side hip accent done flat-footed and horizontally. A sharp accent is achieved by contracting the glute on the bumping side.
Can be done stationary as an accent, or traveling in a walk.

Hip Lifts- A vertical motion accenting one hip. Most of the weight is in the supporting, bent leg with flat foot. The heel of the accent hip is raised. The accent is on the UP.

Hip Drops- A vertical motion accenting one hip. Most of the weight is in the supporting, bent leg with flat foot. The heel of the accent hip is raised. The accent is on the DOWN. Glutes are kept tight on the down to assist with a crisp, sharp accent.

Hip Twists- This resembles half of a twist shimmy. One hip is twisted forward and then brought back to neutral. Can be done as a single accent or is a series. Can be "locked" on the front to create a more percussive look, by contracting the glute on the moving side to stop the movement.

"Crush the Cigarette" Step- ( or- vertical hip twist )- Same as above with one hip twisting forward and back, except moving side has foot extended to the front and is un-weighted. Foot is allowed to "swivel" as if you are crushing out a lit cigarette. This step can be done in place or traveling.

Omi- Executed by a pelvic tilt forward, left side, back, right side. Smooth it out until it becomes a small, tight rocking pelvic circle. Weight is even and feet flat on the ground.

Hip Arch- A vertical movement. Hip is lifted up into the side, ( on ball of foot) twisted forward and dropped down in front. Foot stays on ball and does not leave the ground.

M & M- Similar to a hip arch, only done in several arches. First hip is lifted and dropped to the front ( as in a hip arch ), then brought back to neutral ( middle ) and dropped, then back and dropped and back to middle and dropped. Essentially it looks like an M.

Figure 8-forward Horizontal - The hips traces a horizontal figure 8 with each hip drawing one of the loops. The Hip reaches to the front first, and then traces the circle to the back, crossing over the center point so the left hip can trace the second half of the loop starting at the front.

Figure 8 -Vertical ( Upward 8 )- The hips create a Figure 8 shape on the vertical plane. Hips trace a down, out and in motion. Drop right hip down, then scoop it up and out to the side slightly in a rounded motion. Then pull it into your core and shift the motion to your left side and repeat.

Maya- ( Downward Vertical 8 )- The motion is the opposite of the Upward 8. Hips lift up, out and down, tracing a figure 8.

I don't actually consider a Maya a beginner move, but somehow my list didn't seem complete without it.
Turkish Belly Dance – What is Turkish Belly Dance?

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